Media List

The Media List can be rearranged by hovering and clicking over the top headings. In this way articles can be researched by year, media, CCAHS representative quoted, and title of the article. A Search function is available [use the magnifying glass) to find certain names or topics along with the capability to enter comments for publication (after review) via the Blog, (also available at the top of each page). Of course, should you want to send a private comment, ask a question or request information about the Speaker’s Panel, you can use the Contact function (top of each sectional page).

YearCCAHS Publ.HeaderNameDate/Volume/#/PageQuotedArticle Name
1975NYT03061975/DRPersistent Violations Found in Study Here of Proprietary Hospitals
1975NYT11071975/A Panel Subpoenas H.E. W. Secretary For Hospital Data
1975NYT12231975/DRBellin Scores Health Proposal For Independent Planning Unit
1974NYT01111974/Nassau Enlarges Hospital Board
1974NYT09131974/Lincoln Hospital Stripped Of Accreditation by Panel
1974UC NHLP01xx1974//33Accreditation
1980Nation’s Health03xx1980/APHA Book Mart: Consumer’s Guide To Evaluating Medical Technology [Review of this book by DR/SR/ZF/HH]
1978Enquirer02xx1978BITTER MEDICINE: Hospital Patients Pay Up to 7,000% Markup on Drugs
1973Newsday08161973/Blackout on Medical Center Inspection
1975NYT07241975/DR*Blue Cross Payments Assailed by Both Hospitals and Clients
1974AMNews03041974/Blue Cross plans to expand consumer role
1976NYT02251976/DRBurden Is Critical of HIP’s Medical Care
1973Nation’s Health05xx1973/ / /3ETGConsumer commission on health care accreditation is organized
1974Newsday02021974/Consumer Tours Hospital
1972NYT2201972//DR/MO/LRMembers Ask a Voice in H.I.P. Service
1974SIR03071974/Consumers charge hospitals shortcomings
1973P & W News 04xx 1973///60Consumers Organize To Check Health Services
1974AJN04xx1974/Consumers Play Role in Hospital Accreditation
1976NYT10141976/DRControversy Rages on whether Municipalities Should Run Own Hospitals
1977NYLJ02031977///1RA/DRCourt Voids 12% Rate Rise State Gave Medical Insurer
1977NYT02061977/DRCourt Voids a 12% Rise In H.I.P. Rates Saying Procedure Was Faulty
1973Newsday08201973/JS/ETGCriticism of Medical Center Report
1975NYT05291075/DRDoctor-Owned Malpractice Insurer in State Puts Rate Rise at 10%-15%
1976NE07271976//32DREasy Way You Can Trigger a Federal Investigation of Your Local Hospital
1974Hospitals, JAHA03011974/48/Failure to inspect hospitals violates state law: consumers
1980TRD2101980DRGovernment pulls the purse strings
1975NYT11101975/H. E. W. Must Answer Subpoena On Hospital Certifying Report
1974NYT03211974/Head of Nassau Medical Center Could Not Cure ‘Paperwork’
1974Newsday02271974/Heading N/A
1973Newsday08201973/Health Center OK, With Reservations
1973N/A07161973/47/ /213ETGHealth group collects data for New York consumers
1978NTIS09121978/Hospital Bed Reduction [notice of CCAHS publication]
1974NYT07101974/Hospital Board Plans Open Meetings
1974NYT04181974/ETGHospital Boards’ Make-Up Assailed
1974NYT04291974/DRHospital Data to Be Disclosed In an Effort to Analyze Costs
1973Newsday08201973//18AHospital Deficiencies: The Patient Rarely Knows
1974SIR01241974/Hospital evaluation… Public in the dark
1975WSJ6021975Hospital Group Asks Court to Bar Release of Surveys by U.S.
1974WNBC-TV03071974/Hospital Inspection Reports I [E]
1974WNBC-TV03091974/Hospital Inspection Reports II [E]
1974El Diario03041974/Hospital Inspections [E]
1974Newsday01041974/Hospital Invites Public Questions
1973NYT08201973/JSHospital Lets Public Give Views
1973Newsday08201973/JS/ETGHospital Quiet on Its Inspection
1974Newsday02081974/Hospitals Bar Consumers From Meetings
1976NYT05101976/DRHospitals in New York City Balk at Drive on Unneeded Surgery
1975NYT12261975/DRHospitals Lax on Conflict-of-Interest Data
1975NYT05131975/FGHow Referrals to Nursing Homes Are Made
1975Hospitals, JAHA11011975/49/JCAH and HEW agree on confidentiality
1977NYT12201977/DR/SRLetters of Surgeons, Salespeople and Operations [LTE]
1974Newsday08111974/JS/ETGLI Hospitals: Public Speaks Up
1977Newsday10151977/JS/DRLicense By Accreditation
1972El Diario09101972/XXIV/7,643Life-Serving Service
1976NYT05241976/DRMadison Hospital Loses Medicare Aid
1974Newsday07xx1974/Med Center Opens Its Meetings
1974Newsday10091974/Medical Center OKs Open Meetings
1977Newsday12011977/DRMedical Ethics Brought to Focus
1978HP Issue on Malpractice, MEDICOLEGALXX/XX/197XMEDICOLEGAL UPDATE: Malpractice Recommendations
1974Newsday03121974/JSNassau Med Center Head Quits
1980HPNTIS041977/4/1National Health Service [Notes CCAHS publications]
1980AFL-CIO AF02xx1980/New Books [A Consumer’s Guide to Evaluating Medical Technology]
1975NYPost09221975/FGNursing Home Patient Transfer Delay Sought
1974NYT12311974/Nursing Homes Here Live in a ‘Never-Never Land’ of Accounting, State costs commission Reports
1977Newsday03161977/NY Orders Airing of Hospital Reports
1975WSJ01131975//1,17Outfit That Accredits Hospitals Helps Set Quality of Patient Care
1975Hospitals, JAHA08161975/Patient lives jeopardized by transfers, group says
1973Newsday08201973/Patient Power [E]
1973Newsday08201973/JSPatients Voice Med Center Gripes
1974El Diario07161974/ Patient’s Rights Violated [E]
1978HCC03xx1978/1/3/Proposal calls for Consumer Health Network
1975NYT04231095/Protest Halts a Nursing-Home Directory
1975NYT04201975/Public Can’t View City H.I.P. Reports
1973Newsday08201973/ETGReport Released on Med Center
1974El Diario04101974/Representation Inadequate [E]
1975NYT12251975/ETGRival Hospital Systems Compete in Bronx
1975AMA05121975/DRSocial Security makes public deficiency letters sent by JCAH
1976NYT01231976/DRStaggering Expenses of Having a Baby
1974NYT01271974//18DRState Accused on Hospital Inspections
1977FT-U08151977/State Needs Health Costs Controls, Council Is Told
1976NYT09201976/DRState’s Consumer Chief Attacked As a Weak Protector of the Public
1977Better Times0214197758/5/1DRStay Granted In Court Decision Denying Rate Increase to HIP
1975NYT03251975/Substandard Care Is Found in the Majority of 105 Hospitals In Federal Spot Check
1976NYT05261976/DRSurveys Uncover Hospital Hazards
1980HLPLB04xx1980/JW/DRThe Accreditation of Hospitals—What Does It Promise?
1973NYT08201973/The Public Gets a Voice in Hospital Accreditation
1975MHC08xx1975/The uncertain future of JCAH
1973ADM06011973/ / JM/DR/ETGThey’ll Rate Rx Prepay Plans
1976NYT01281976//1/17Thousands a Year Killed By Faulty Prescriptions
1976NYT05111976/DRU.S. Is Cutting Off Funds To Wadsworth Hospital
1976NYT01261976//1Unfit Doctors Create Worry in Profession
1975Newsday12281975/DRVarying Hospital Inspections
1977NTIS02211977/Weekly Government Abstracts-Health Planning
1974SIA06261974/Women elected to key posts – 1st in S.I. Hospital’s 113 years
LHJRalph Nader Reports: Hospital Costs
1972Medical World News05191972The Surge of Community Involvement
197304281973///27ETGNew No-Profit Commission in N.Y. Will Accredit Hospital Services
1974Trustee051974//30News Brief
1978CCC, Described Conference, HSA-FYI Digest12/1978/II/6/2Consumer Commission Conferences
1979CHP V 5, # 4CUND01011979/4/1Viewpoint
1980NTIS011980/4/9-10National Health Service I, II, III (Summaries)
1975NYT0413175State Fails in Its Effort to Close Down The operation of Medical Arts Center
1975Jack Anderson11101975Unhealthy Hospitals

AFL-CIO AF =AFL-CIO American Federationist
ADM = American Druggist Merchandizing
AJN = American Journal of Nursing
AM News = American Medical News
CCC = Consumer Commission Conferences (Held 8/xx, 9/16, 10/21, 11/18 1978)
CHP = Consumer Health Perspectives
CUND = Consumers Union News Digest
[E] = Editorial
DR = Donald Rubin
DR* = Donald Rubin speaking for the NYC AFL-CIO Central Labor Committee’s Hospital and Medical Care Committee
ETG = Edward T. Gluckmann
FG = Florence Galkin
FR = Fund Reporter
FT-U = Florida Times-Union
HH = Herb Hyman
HP = Health Perspectives
HLPLB = Health Law Project Library Bulletin
Hospitals, JAMA = Journal of the Hospital Association
HSA-FYI = Health Systems Agency-For Your Information
JM = John McDowell
JS = Joan Saltzman, Founder, Consumer Advocates, Inc.
JW = Judy Wessler
LHJ = Ladies Home Journal
LR = Lillian Roberts
LTE = Letter to Editor
MHC = Modern Healthcare
MO = Murray Ortof
MWN = Medical World News
N/A = Not Available
NE = National Enquirer
NTIS = National Technical Information Service
NYLJ = New York Law Journal
NYT = New York Times
P & W News = Pension and Welfare News
RA = Richard Asche, Esq.
Q = Quarterly
SIA = Staten Island Advance
SIR = Staten Island Register
TRD = The Reporter Dispatch
UCNHLP = University of California, National Health Law Program
WSJ = Wall Street Journal
ZF = Zita Feron

xx = Published without a specific date, usually for monthly or annual issues

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